Internet Safety Rules
1. I will tell my trusted adult if anything makes me feel sad, scared, or confused.
2. I will ask my trusted adult before sharing information like my name, address, and phone number.
3. I won't meet face-to-face with anyone from the Internet.
4. I will always use good netiquette and not be rude or mean online.
Do not open that file:
Do not open files that come from an unknown email address.
Real-World Safety Rules
1. I will always check first with my parent, guardian, or other trusted adult before going anywhere, helping anyone, accepting anything, or getting into a car.
2. I will take a friend with me when going places or playing outside.
3. I will tell people "NO" if they try to touch or hurt me. It's OK for me to stand up for myself.
4. I will tell my trusted adult if anything makes me feel sad, scared, or confused.
Cyberbullying is when a child or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or targeted by another child or teen using a computer, tablet or cell phone.
If an adult is bullying, it is called cyber-harassment or cyberstalking.
If cyberbullying takes place at school, students should report to their teacher. When it takes place after school hours, students should report to their parents. Parents may contact the school for help.
Copyright is the law that protects someone's original work. It protects things like music, pictures, poems, stories, and movies. Copyright starts as soon as the work is created and doesn't require registration. However, anyone who is creating works that may make lots of money or be famous usually register for a copyright with the US Copyright Office. If the copyright is registered, then the owner can file a lawsuit if there is a problem.
What does not fall under copyright? facts, ideas, concepts, fashion, works created by the US government, and familiar words or symbols
Plagiarism is where you use someone else's original work as your own. You don't ask permission or cite (give credit to the author).
Google has tools that can help you with copyright. When you search for pictures, you can use the Search Tools, and Usage Rights guidelines. When you are using Google Docs, you can use the Research Tool filter to help you. You will learn more about these tools in your Google lessons.
Check out the questions and answers that you can find in the link below form Cyberbee: